Classroom Preparedness

Please take the time to prepare your classroom with the information needed in the event of an Emergency. Important communication can be shared by the college to its campus through your smart phone and your campus email.  Emergency messages can only be sent to your cell phone if you are signed up for ALERTU please take the time to sign up now, program the SBCC Security Line Emergency number 805-730-4200 (or ext 4200 from a campus phone) into your cell phone.



  • Remind your class to sign up for ALERTU text messaging
  • Know the emergency exits and evacuation areas for every classroom.
  • Review the below emergency information in the course syllabi's.
  • Devise "buddy systems" so that everyone is accounted for in an evacuation.
  • Evaluate the challenges that you might face during an evacuation.
  • Program the SBCC Security Line Emergency number 805-730-4200 (or ext 4200 from a campus phone) into your cell phone.
  • Be personally prepared for an emergency. Stay vigilant.
  • During a lockdown, doors cant be locked if they are propped open. Keep your classroom door shut.
  • Review the evacuation site locations with your classroom or colleagues.
  • Review communication methods and what to do in a  listed below with your class and department faculty and staff.

Communications Redundancy

  • Campus Wide email
  • Website 
  • Twitter status update @SantaBarbaraCC
  • AlertU Text message (cell phone) 
  • Speaker announcements (hardware in most buildings or hallways) 
  • Computer alerts (Network computers only - must be turned on)
  • *Phone speakers (Network phones - must have volume up)
  • Building Evacuation (In person sweep)

Depending on the Emergency, not all methods of communications will be utilized.

*Campus Phone Speakers will be sent a message to play as needed, but are not considered a primary method of communication as these do not work unless the volume is turned up by hand, also there may be a delay with phone speakears. 

Emergency Procedures page has more on the below Emergency Guide information

  • Evacuations – Drills or real
    • You may not know if this is a drill or not, so take every call to evacuate seriously.
    • Take your personal belongings and immediately leave the building 
    • Make sure someone notifues Campus Safety office regarding the alarm
    • Do not take the elevator
    • Be aware of those who may need assistance
    • Know where the evacuation area is for every building you are in.
    • Do not put yourself in danger
    • Leave the campus ONLY if instructed
    • Reenter buildings ONLY with all clear from Campus Safety of Facilities staff.
  • Earthquakes
    • If it is severe enough to move furniture, DROP, COVER and HOLD ON:  Immediately seek shelter (under a desk or table, if possible) cover your head and hold on
    • Evacuate if directed, or you feel it is safe to do so
    • Do not use the elevator
  • Shelter in Place
    • There may be situations where it is imperative that you seek shelter and not leave the building. 
    • If directed, or you feel it is best to do so, seek shelter in a room with a lock.
    • Turn off the lights and silence all cell phones.
    • Hide as best as possible until the all clear signal has been given by authorities.
  1. RUN Run away from the threat if you can escape safely and do so as quickly as possible.  If the threat is near you and you cannot escape:
  2. HIDE Find a secure room and lock the door and turn lights off. Put any big object in front of the door to prevent entry. Turn off the lights and silence off all electronic devices. Hide behind furniture and be a quiet as possible. Wait for Security or Police to release you from your position. If you cannot Run or Hide, hide as best you can, and be prepared to disarm the threat.
  3. FIGHT Two to five persons (Attack Team) should be just inside the door to knock down the weapon and push the shooter to the floor and disarm. Set a table up on its side by the door to block a clear view of the room from the door. Set a chair or desk by the door to slow the approach and help trip the attacker, then darken the room as much as possible. As the attacker enters, throw something to the opposite side of the room to distract the shooter from the Attack Team's location. Other persons in the room should stay away from the entrance "line of sight" to avoid gunfire. Do everything you can to survive while Security or Police respond. When Police enter the room, show your hands and follow their instructions carefully.
  • Safety marshals are present during the day to assist in evacuations, but they may be absent, or unable to come to your area, or not available in the evening as they are staff who have volunteered to do so. You, as an instructor, will fulfill the role of evacuation. 
  • Know the designated evacuation zones options
  • Know the evacuation routes for your classroom / building
  • Injured or disabled students may not be able to be moved during evacuations.  Provide assistance or ask someone to assist in evacuating these persons. SBCC is working on providing evacuation chairs to multi story buildings/stairs, contact Security for more information email if you have concerns for access your area.
  • Keep back up information about your course material on flash drives or other back up devices.
  • Have contingency plans for your coursework or tests.
  • Follow up with your Dean or the Assistant Superintendent / Vice President of Academic Affairs regarding campus closures and how this may affect your course planning.
  • Evacuations are never set up to purposely disrupt your class.  Please view them as an opportunity to test your own Emergency Plan -- in case you really need to use it.


Click here to Download Additional Emergency Information

Click here for IS-907 Active Shooter: What you can Do FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) training. This is an informative 45-minute on-line course on Active Shooter Situations